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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Found 20 light years away: the New Earth [Gliese 581]

Scientists have discovered a planet orbiting a star, 20 light years away from earth. The star named Gliese 581 in the Libra constellation, has planets which are under the scientists scanner since many years now. The Planet Gliese 581d, which is equal to seven times of the earth seems to have the perfect habitable conditions on it due to presence of liquid material on its surface, which could be water. After years of observation and with the help of a new method: by measuring tiny movements of the star in response to the gravitational pull on it by its orbiting planets. The scientists have also found two more planets named Gliese 581f and g, amongst the two new findings the Gliese 581g, which is three times the earths mass is of a vigorous interest.

The planets estimated temperature is believed to be between -31 and -12 degrees celcius and is positioned pretty much closer to the parent star. The stars surface gravity is calculated at 1.7g which makes it favourable to hold an atmosphere above it, making it quite habitable for humans. But there are many more concerning issues which have been aroused with this latest discoveries, as it is observed that there can be the presence of a more advanced and intelligent life form on Gliese 581 which can be a threat for Human Race.

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